What Is Happening To Our Planet?

Many are asking what is happening and the things that are happening are happening every where . Stay tuned this is the answer for you, this is my opinion, and thoughts today, on what is happening i am a firm believer in the Torah (Bible) I believe the things that are happening is not by chance or accident there is nothing new under the sun.

Many have closed their eyes because they are immersed in the cares of this world if they are not careful they will be deceived by the underlying evil of this world and not pay attention when their visitation from G-d comes and it will pass them by, because they are carnal minded in works and in deed and satisfying the desires of flesh.  They are not regarding the ways of the Creator performing wicked works to make self feel good. Pride goes before a fall. The wicked is consumed by their wickedness. The closer G-d  and Moshiach the light of the world comes, it seems that more and more wickedness is exposed. and evil men’s wickedness manifest more. I believe that a Holy fire is burning off the fake covering and exposing creation down to the spirit and things are being uncovered for all to see. 

And many are spectacles. What is on the inside is coming on the outside, Good or Bad.  This is why evil is being called good and good is being called evil The wicked have a blindness they cannot see or practice that which is good because wickedness is what they have practiced secretly and now it is out for all to see and they are trying to call it good. G-d is judging and exposing their inward parts for all to see they cannot hide it. 

The destruction they bring upon themselves and others is evident in their actions that is speaking louder than words, They lie on G-d and say this is of him when everyone that see’s know that G-d is good and it is they themselves trying to justify their own wickedness.

These are times for those who are righteous as well to examine themselves and not perform any kind of wicked works toward their neighbors regardless of how they feel they do not let their feelings dictate their love for their neighbor and their good works toward their neighbors.  They try to live in peace with all men and women. 

These are the traits of the righteous not built on pride not hating others and hurting others. Most of all They recognize there is One G-d and they do not riot and rail against their neighbors they bring peace to others no matter where they go. They have respect for others and one another, Morals are not thrown out the window.  I do not know how people got away from these basics, but I believe what is happening On our planet is a result of  evil works done by men and women. A refiners fire is burning through This place spiritually and it is purifying works and at the same time it is making wickedness come to the surface for all to see.  This is a day when there is no where to hide this is a day of Exposure.

A purifying fire is moving through this earth like never before and those that are unable to fight for themselves take heart G-d is fighting for you. He does not condone the wickedness that is going on against you.  I do not speak to the self serving self righteous prideful who give themselves a name and a title and do not know that it is G-d who name things and bring things under subjection, It is he who tells things what they are we do not decide he decides who we are. Because one say they are of importance, they are not. All things in heaven and in earth is under his subjection he is bringing his light to these things .

There is a separation happening and Men and women are not aware certain uncontrollable behavior is being manifested Those without his Spirit (Ruach  HaKodesh) Are being made known by their unrighteous works and actions toward others. They have made  spectacles  of themselves.

Redemption is near Hold on Israel and Judah. And to all  those who Hold on To The Most High G-d. We do not take matters in our own hands, it is in his hands it is in the One True living Eternal G-d that we trust in not man and not woman. 

It is Idol worship to worship any man as though he is G-d. as we are taught. It is a condition of man to do so  Hollywood idols of people are called movie stars their worshipper’s are called their fans. interesting thought, if G-d made himself man then Idolatry would stop would it not? because people worship idols of wood and stone all the time. but nothing stops wicked men from trying to make

themselves G-d by trying to be superior over all things right? G-d is the one superior over all not man. it is he who rules over all. His power’s and might is unlimited and he does as he please and will continue to do as he please we should not put G-d in a box there is no one that thinks like him, and neither should any of us should  think we know his mind or what he is capable of doing.

It scares me to think that folks are trying to tell G-d what to do without fear I am like wow did folks really lose their minds?? that is scary when people resort to telling G-d how to be and what to do We should not indulge in that. but that is my opinion we all have one. i just hope this thought help someone who is struggling with this very issue.

Shalom All Just my morning Thoughts stay safe

Ariel G.


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