One Known Truth

No matter how big or how small there is one known truth that will matter for everyone and anyone. It is your actions.  

Actions of one individual matters because actions can bring about a whole chain of events. G-d Hashem spoke and the whole universe and beyond was created by his actions

You may not consider your actions or think they matter but they do. Actions and words can send a whole chain of events in motion people do not realize that we are all connected and someone will be affected in some way directly or indirectly.

This is why we all must be careful about what we say or do because innocent people can get hurt by things we say or do carelessly.  It is so serious that it can cost one their very lives. That is how serious a situation can be. 

Truth or untruths will affect the outcome of many people’s lives.  That is why it is so important to speak in truth and love and not slander. Slander has destroyed many generations of people and when it is put into motion it will continue to tear apart many lives.  It will not just effect the object of the one that is slandered against it will affect many innocent people who had nothing to do with the object of the one that is slandered.

When truth is spoken it has the same effect it brings about blessings and when it is spoken in love. It builds and it does not destroy.  It is put into the earth like a seed and it flourishes and bring forth fruits of blessings and abundance. And if that truth is spoken in love it gives life and does not bring about the curse of death like slander seeks to do.

Those that slander do the work of the evil one and the evil one has no truth in him. Those that tell the truth in love they do the work of Hashem because there is light and life in him and there is no evil but goodness and love.  That is how you can identify who belong to him and who does not. the separation is evident.

Everyone was created for good not evil. This is why it is important to love at all times and abandon slander, malicious gossip and sensationalism It is these things that destroy the soul. 

When the children of Israel sent the spies out to scout out the promised land.  The spies that brought back the evil reports Hashem despised and cursed but Joshua and Caleb were favored those that had the evil report did not make it to the promised land.  they died in the wilderness. Those that had the good report went forward and entered the promised land.

These are lessons we should learn from and keep ourselves from evil and those who practice it against others. The bottom line is that your actions and your words they matter because they cause a chain of events to take place that you are not able to stop. They may be good and they may be evil depending on your actions and words. 


I pray that our actions and words are good toward others and not bad because if they are when Machiach (Messiah) judges we are going to be very blessed or very cursed we are going to be very happy or very sad.  Our judgments are in our own actions and words.  We worship a wonderful G-d he gives us free choice to choose what we want our destinies to be .

He offers us advice on how to live in his Torah and gives us free choice to choose between good and evil right and wrong.  This is why that every judgment that comes about from our own actions or words it will be Just. We are living at a time that is similar to Noah’s time. 

The world was judged by water but I fear that this time it will be a purging fire

Blessings to you and Shalom.

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