Why G-d Hates Adultery and You should too.

G-d hate Spiritual and Physical Adultery 

The main reason is a promise was made in Covenant and in that Covenant with two people both agree that that one person is the one they have chosen and are no longer seeking out any other Covenant with another by promise and that this is solid.

Spiritually speaking it falls in the line of worship if we make a covenant with G-d we are telling him and promising him that he is the only G-d for us like a marriage and we are going to commit ourselves to him. Without searching for any other G-d because he is the answer and we desire no one or nothing else but him as our G-d.

When a Covenant is broken one of the person’s in relationship steps out of the Covenant and they continue to search as if the Covenant was never made to begin with, leaving the one they made the Covenant with in confusion of what is happening  and hurt is involved to the other party, because they did not hold to the Covenant.

When it comes to G-d the breeching of the Covenant is seeking after other false gods and various religions then coming back to G-d as though nothing happened or nothing is wrong thinking he does not see and you can have it both ways.

Just like in a marriage relationship the adulterous person Breech the Covenant and seek after other men and women because they are not satisfied with what they have and come back to their spouses after the Covenant is breeched with another and seek to have it both ways.

Seeking to have a Covenant relationship and a non Covenant relationship at the same time and sometimes people think that multiple covenant relationships are ok with the first covenant relationship not knowing that they have another covenant with someone else. In a nutshell this is confusion and this is what G-d calls Spiritual and Physical Adultery and he hates it and those who love this kind of thing.

Adultery is nothing more than another form of Idolatry as well because it put Idols above G-d In the old testament this sin was punishable by death and in modern times many do not realize it is against the law.  In the days we live in it is evil as you can openly see these laws are not enforced. 

When Machiach comes these laws will be enforced and they will be followed he will rule with a rod of Iron. Many do not realize that they are a enemy of G-d when marriage Covenant is broken in relationships, to fulfill and satisfy their own Lusts they have endangered their very souls. 

Teshuva(Repentance) is very important in cases like this one must make it right and not live in deception and live in truth with everyone including G-d.  He see’s everything. There is only one G-d anything outside of that is a breech of the commandments and Covenant with our creator who knows all things and can see all things and will judge all things.

Each individual should hate this sin because no one would want this sin to happen to them when they really care about someone.  I am sure that everyone hate betrayal if you don’t want this to happen to you don’t do it to someone else.  What you do to others whether it is being faithful or not being faithful it will be done to you because this is Holy judgment you are judged just as you do some people call it Karma.



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