From The Desk of BJQ Radio CEO about The War in Israel an address To African or Black Americans. Statement release.

Dear Black Americans and African Americans and the Blacks around the world and Black media.

As a Black American and Jewish person, I must speak out to you.

I am seeing video after video of some condoning what Hamas done to Israel, at colleges and on the streets, and I do not understand some who support this type of brutality, the laughing the mocking. As much as Black Americans have been oppressed unfairly abused Killed unjustly and brutalized, we are familiar with being hated because of our skin color, in no way should anyone condone what was done to Civilian Israeli’s

If you condone the injustice done to Israel then you condone the injustice done to you. you cannot condone killing babies and innocent people and when this happens to blacks expect sympathy two wrongs don’t make a right. Many Jewish people marched on Washington with Martin Luther King Jr. to fight for civil rights knowing that it would cost their very lives this is why we all should stand up for what is right and not for what is wrong no matter who it is.

I cannot get with anybody who say that was deserved or just, with what just happened to the Israelis in south Israel. You all who say this is Okay you are Wrong. I call on everyone who hates evil to stand up for those innocent babies who did not do a thing wrong, and the children, and innocent adults, how can anyone justify harming kids. even the adults who have nothing to do with these political things who did nothing to deserve this, they are just living like you and me.

This is evil in the highest degree and we all must stand up for what is right and not for what is wrong because it is the popular thing to do. I am personally disgusted at the unjust balance the world is showing to Israel. I been to Israel and I can tell you everyone treated me like family the Jewish people there as well as the Bedouin’s and the Palestinians they lived among the people in Israel they ate together they drank together and now this?

I cannot even wrap my head around this and just to let everyone know they have their disputes and disagreements but to take it to the next level to this and say it is good? people were killed and babies killed is plain evil! no matter what you believe in. This was an awful crime. I cannot say this is ok because it is not.

Stand up for the right thing and think what if this was your family. How would you feel. We stand united against the history of the Arab and transatlantic slave trade how can we condone evil to others no matter who they are? Some blacks were even in the holocaust was this, ok? Is this ok to you who read this? How can anyone stand up for you if you support evil to any people? especially the innocent people massacred in Israel.

Many blacks African American Jews serve in the IDF, and some were killed during these attacks and you guys sit back and support the people who did it. This is not about your skin color! this is about right and wrong. This is about killing innocents. This is not OK! If one serves a G-d of Justice what was done is unjust, by the commandments alone or even the ways of father Abraham. BJQ Radio stands united with Israel.

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